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You've just finished a workout. You're feeling pretty gleeful — what with all those endorphins rushing around — and you're proud of your accomplishment. You're also kinda bloated. If you've ever found yourself asking: why do I get bloated after a workout? well, you're not alone. We asked two dieticians to break down the factors that can cause bloating after a workout, and the best methods for keeping it in check. Keep reading to solve the mystery of that maddening, post-sweat poof.
Meet the Expert
- Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, is an author and consultant for Swisse Wellness.
- Nora Minno is a registered dietitian and Daily Burn trainer.
What Causes Bloating After a Workout?
“Bloating can be common, especially if you are a mouth-breather or tend to exercise after meals or snacks,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, an author and consultant for Swisse Wellness. “Although it isn’t the workout itself causing bloat but a result of breathing technique and/or digestion, the more vigorous a workout, the greater chance of bloat.” Here are some of the common causes:
- When (and What) You're Eating: Eating too close to your workout can result in bloating since “exercise pulls the blood flow away from the GI tract and to the muscles that are moving,” explains Palinski-Wade. Because the blood is diverted, your digestion is slowed down and it can leave you feeling bloated. In addition, if you eat foods high in fiber, fat, or protein close to your workout, these can cause bloating. “These foods take time to digest and you need adequate blood flow in the GI system to promote efficient digestion,” says Nora Minno, a registered dietitian and Daily Burn trainer.
- Drinking Too Much Water: Hydration is an important part of any exercise routine, but there’s such a thing as drinking too much water. “If you’re drinking much more water than your body can excrete in a given period of time, you may experience boating,” says Minno. A combination of sweating and drinking a lot of water can cause the sodium levels in the body to drop, leading your body to hold onto water.
- Heavy Breathing: Naturally, when you’re exercising, your breathing rate will increase—after all, you’re exerting more effort running than sitting on the couch. But intense or rapid breathing during a workout can often “result in you swallowing air, and that air in the GI tract can cause you to look and feel bloated,” says Palinski-Wade.
- Your Body's Stress Response: Intense exercise may trigger your body’s flight or fight response, which can then cause the GI system to slow down and lead to bloating, says Minno. If you’re not used to a new, intense workout, you could also experience an increase in cortisol (the primary stress hormone) levels post-exercise. Chronically increased cortisol levels can lead to increased blood pressure and fluid retention.
How Can You Prevent Bloating After a Workout?
Fortunately, post-workout bloat isn’t permanent. It tends to go away on its own, but there are ways to reduce it.
Focus on Your Breathing
Even though heavy breathing can lead to bloating, the solution is not to hold your breath during exercise. Instead, “you’ll want to focus on low, steady breaths, and when possible, breathe in through your nose to avoid gasping or swallowing too much air,” advises Minno.
Load Up on Electrolytes
To help your body recover from the loss of sodium via sweating, Minno says to “consider rehydrating with electrolytes (i.e. sodium, potassium, calcium) to help restore the body’s fluid balance.” Here's a list of 21 foods and drinks — including bananas, coconut water, and avocados — that are excellent at delivering electrolytes.
Eat Well
Common sense tells you that hitting up a fast food drive-through is probably not going to make you feel great during or after a workout, but there are other less obvious foods that may not be ideal pre-workout.
“Slowly digested foods such as those rich in fiber, protein, and fat will increase the chance of bloat if eaten close to a workout,” says Palinski-Wade. Since these foods take longer to digest, adds Minno, they may put increased stress on your GI system during a workout. Save the high fiber and protein for a few hours after your workout to give your GI system time to recover. “Refuel with small portions and work your way up to regular meals,” adds Minno.
Pre-workout, both Palinski-Wade and Minno recommend mostly carbohydrate-based foods, like fruit or starches to provide your body fuel. However, individual bodies respond differently to different foods, and your gut can also be trained over time. “As your fitness and energy expenditure improve, your body’s ability to process and utilize key nutrients such as carbohydrates should improve as well. Be patient with yourself and find a routine that works for you and your fitness regimens,” says Minno.
Time Your Meals Right
What you eat make a difference, and so can when you eat. “Plan to give yourself at least an hour window before exercise without eating, if possible, to reduce the risk [of bloating],” says Palinski-Wade. Adds Minno, “Aim to finish your meals one-and-a-half to three hours before exercise, depending on the intensity [of your workout].”
Stay Cool
It's important to keep your cool, in more ways than one. Working out typically works up a sweat — and excessive heat can cause abdominal bloating. Here's the scientific breakdown: When we're in warm-weather climates, crowded workout studios, or any environment where the heat is cranked out, our blood vessels expand. This can cause our bodies to retain fluid. Luckily, there's a fashionable solution to this plight: Choose lightweight, breathable workout gear to keep from overheating, and keep bloating at bay. (Here's some inspo.)
Sip Tea
Pour yourself a cup of tea. Drinking an herbal brew isn't just a soothing post-workout ritual — it can also help reduce bloating. Ginger tea has been shown to deliver digestive aid, helping to reduce bloating and gas. Peppermint tea is another good option for gas and bloating reduction. But if peppermint and ginger aren't your jam, you still have options. Browse our list of 11 herbal teas that reduce bloating.