Kayla Barnes

Kayla Barnes

Lives In

New York, NY


  • University of Savoy Mont Blanc


  • Brain and Mental Health
  • Functional Nutrition


Kayla has worked in health and wellness for over 10 years. She is currently CEO of the concierge brain health coaching company Brain Upgraded. She works with clients to heal their brains and optimize cognition through a proven and science-backed approach. Kayla studied Human Sciences at the University of Savoy Mont Blanc. She received certification to become a brain health coach from the Amen Clinics, training under renowned brain doctor Dr. Daniel Amen. Additionally, Kayla has been writing health content for 10 years and recently began contributing to Byrdie.


Kayla studied Human Sciences at the University of Savoy Mont Blanc. She received certification to become a brain health coach from the Amen Clinics, training under renowned brain doctor, Dr. Daniel Amen

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