Whether you're dedicated to an elaborate multi-step skincare routine or you like to keep things simple, we all know the importance of washing your face twice daily to remove any debris, makeup, bacteria, and excess sebum that may have accumulated during the day. What many of us may not know is which direction we should be turning our faucet towards—warm or cold.
Both temperatures have a host of benefits when it comes to washing your face, from reducing inflammation to helping your skincare products better absorb. To find out what temperature water is best for your skincare goals—and why—we reached out to leading dermatologists Rachel Nazarian, MD, Debra Jaliman, MD, and Susan Massick, MD. Plus, they offered expert face-washing tips that are sure to level up your cleansing game.
Keep reading to explore whether cold or hot water is better for your skin.
Meet the Expert
- Rachel Nazarian, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City.
- Debra Jaliman, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist and assistant professor of dermatology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
- Susan Massick, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Which Water Temperature Is Best for Face-Washing?
As a general rule of thumb, Massick says you should use lukewarm water when washing your face—not hot, not cold. Hot water can strip the face of its natural, protective oils, and cold water may not be as effective at loosening debris like makeup. "Water temperature is like the Goldilocks rule: not too hot, not too cold," she says. "Choose a temperature that is right in the middle—a lukewarm temperature."
A lukewarm temperature is warm enough to kill bacteria, remove excess oil, and clear skin debris. Using warm water can also help open up your pores and allow for deeper skincare product penetration. However, it's worth noting that using cold water may be beneficial for skin types—such as those with acne-prone skin. Hot water is never recommended for the face.
Why You Should Never Use Hot Water
Many common skin conditions, including rosacea, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis (aka eczema), can be exacerbated by hot temperatures, Nazarian says. Even if your skin is currently clear, the use of hot water can trigger a flare up.
But that's not all. Another reason to steer clear of super hot water temperatures when washing your face is that hot water can strip natural hydration and moisture from the skin, according to Nazarian. This can make the skin dry and inflamed over time. Conversely, stripping the skin of its natural oils can also cause it to go into overdrive mode in terms of oil production, ultimately leading to breakouts.
When and How to Use Cold Water
While lukewarm water is best, dermatologists say that there can be some benefits to washing your face with cool or cold water every now and then. Here are some of the leading reasons someone may want to wash with cool water:
- Jaliman says cool water can help with acne-related irritation because it effectively calms the inflammation on the spot.
- Cold water can also help reduce skin puffiness—especially for those who wake up with puffy eyes, says Jaliman.
- Cold water can cause vasoconstriction, which is a narrowing of the blood vessels, says Nazarian. This can give skin a temporary brighter and less inflamed appearance.
Just keep in mind that lukewarm water is still considered the gold standard in terms of face-washing temperature. Cold water may not cleanse your face of bacteria and pollutants as effectively as washing with warm water, Jaliman says. Your pores can also react to cold water by contracting, which may trap grime, bacteria, and oil, essentially making your cleansing efforts less effective, explains Massick. Additionally, cold water may strip the face of natural oils
If the benefits of washing with cold water are too good to pass up, try cleansing your face with lukewarm water first, then give your face a few splashes of cold.
Face Washing Tips to Keep in Mind
It's easy to get wrapped up in all the minute details, but face washing doesn't need to be complicated. Here are some basics to keep in mind while washing your face:
- Wash With Lukewarm Water: Dermatologists agree that lukewarm water is best for washing your face. But, a splash of cold water can be nice first thing in the morning or after washing your face with lukewarm water.
- Always Avoid Extremely Hot Water: When washing your face, hot water isn't likely to do you any favors in terms of skin health. Not only can it strip your skin of its natural oils, but it can cause blood vessels to dilate, which can make your skin look redder, Jaliman says.
- Wash Your Face Twice a Day: Massick says to "be consistent and try to wash twice daily, particularly at the end of the day to remove dirt, makeup, and bacteria."
- Find a Gentle Cleanser You Enjoy: Water temperature isn't the only factor that matters when washing your face. A gentle, non-abrasive cleanser helps lay the basic foundation of a solid skincare practice and can be tailored to your specific needs. "For oily or acne-prone skin, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide-based washes can be helpful," Dr. Massick says. "For sensitive or dry skin, use a cream-based cleanser to avoid irritation or worsening dryness."
- Limit Exfoliation to 1-2 Times Per Week: Daily exfoliation isn't necessary, Massick tells us. In fact, it could do more harm than good, leading to irritation, redness, and breakouts. Stay away from scrubbing your skin, too, as this can also cause irritation.
The Final Takeaway
Daily face washing is important. The American Academy of Dermatology (and our experts) suggest washing with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water when you wake up before you go to bed, and after you sweat. Hot water is never recommended for the skin, but using cold water can have a few benefits, like reducing puffiness and irritation. If those benefits sound appealing, wash your face with lukewarm water first, then give your face a few splashes of cold water.